Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Apologies

I know I have not updated this blog and there are a lot of updates. Until I can do a more in-depth update I will just post this quick one.

The yard sale went very well and raised a little over 2 thousand dollars, which has gone to some of the outstanding medical bills. Thank you to everyone that helped with this sale via donating items, or making cash donations in the jar at the sale.

Someone lent us a few tables for the yard sale, with their phone number written on the underside of the tables. We have called that number a few times to return the tables but we continue to get a message that the number is out of service. If the person (we did not catch the name as we were so busy setting up the yard sale at the time) reads this please email Missy at or call (850) 747-1759. Thank you!

The donation jars have brought in a few hundred dollars. Thank you to everyone who has donated through these jars around town!

The donations generated through this blog and the Facebook page have totaled around $900. Thank you to everyone who has donated money. This assistance has been very helpful.

Guilia Manfredini, an Italian cross stitch designer and physician, has helped a great deal with fundraising activities from her colleagues and friends. Thank you so much!

Matt's family is extremely grateful for all the assistance they have received during this time and send their thanks to everyone!

Matt is healing very very well!

I will try to post more details when I can. It is difficult for me as I live with a broken pelvis and constant pain and the fund raising activities have taken a toll and I am having to spend a great deal of time in bed.


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